High school students in Cowichan get a head start at VIU

June 9, 2008 - 7:37am

Vancouver Island University and School District 79 are giving students a head start on their university careers.

The Cowichan campus of VIU and SD 79 are continuing the University Enrichment Initiative, which reserves seats in first-year university courses at the Cowichan campus for grade 12 students.

“It’s an excellent program for a grade 12 student to take,” said Maria Lauridsen, campus Principal for the Cowichan VIU campus. It provides them with an opportunity to start their post second education while still in high school and that is definitely a benefit.”

This is the third year the program has been offered. Students can choose from courses in creative writing, film studies, English, sociology, social work, marketing and psychology. The courses chosen have the highest level of transferability to the highest number of post-secondary institutions.

“For a lot of students, the movement from grade 12 to post-secondary is a big step,” said Lauridsen. “This program helps students take that first step and makes the transition to university life easier. That transition can be difficult for some students and may cause them unnecessary worry or anxiety during the summer months after grade 12. This initiative eliminates the mystique around making the transition.”

Any student in SD 79 who would like to take a university course can apply to the program, but students must have earned at least three A’s and one B in grade 11 academic subjects.

 “In the last two years, all the students have excelled with mostly A’s in their courses,” said Lauridsen. “It’s a great way to get a head-start on a university education. When these students finish high school, they will have a lighter course load because they will already have one or two university courses completed.”

“This is a great program,” said Joe Rhodes, Director of Middle Secondary of SD 79. “Creating opportunities for kids in any way is something we strive for. Giving these students an advance opportunity to experience university life is incredibly valuable.”

Eligible students will have full access to VIU student services. Students are allowed to take two courses per grade 12 semester to a maximum of four courses prior to high school graduation. The deadline to apply for the program is June 13, 2008.

For more information about the University Enrichment program, call (250) 746-3500.

Tags: In the Community

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