Expertise: North American women's history, Gender and health, Popular culture between the wars, Alcohol, Tobacco and drug use
Graduate Program
Expertise: community-engaged research, arts-based research, research-based theatre, Applied theatre, language reawakening, language acquisition, literacies and participatory methodologies such as youth participatory action research
Health Sciences and Human Services
Expertise: Nursing, Student retention, Community-based educational programs, Organizational change, Mental health, Intersectionality theory, Identity theft
Expertise: Open Access and open scholarly practices; digital stewardship and preservation of information contextualized by user and information rights; non-traditional collections
Recreation and Tourism Management
Expertise: Women's leisure, rural recreation, Rural tourism, climate change impacts on recreation and leisure, the importance of leisure in health and well-being
Bachelor of Education
Expertise: Educational Ethics, Moral Reasoning, Practical Ethics, Critical Thinking
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Expertise: Toxic Drug Crisis, Harm Reduction, Drug Policy related to the Toxic Drug Crisis, Intersectional social justice and advocacy
Expertise: Psychological disorders and treatments, Mindfulness, Positive psychology (the study of human strengths and virtues)