Festival of Trees goes Russian

July 13, 2007 - 9:06am

It may be July, but members of Malaspina University-College’s Festival of Trees Steering Committee are thinking about Christmas as they prepare for the 13th annual Festival of Trees.

"Planning is in full swing even though the Festival takes place in November," said Jeet Manhas, who takes over as Festival Chair from George Hrabowych. "We like to get an early start on our planning because there’s so much work to do."

This year’s Festival of Trees is going Russian - snow, ice, the romance of the Russian pine forest in winter, Dr. Zhivago and sleigh bells jingling in the night. "We’re quite excited about the new theme," added Manhas.

The Festival of Trees is Malaspina University-College Foundation’s major fundraiser, with proceeds supporting student scholarships, bursaries and awards. "Last year, the Festival raised $106,000, breaking all previous records," said Manhas. "We hope to do even better this year."

Manhas, a Nanaimo City Councillor and owner of Casual Images at Woodgrove Mall, has served on the Malaspina Foundation Board for three years, and like many other Festival volunteers, has devoted hundreds of hours to planning and organizing the annual event.

"I feel passionate about education, so serving as Festival Chair is an easy job for me," he said. "People have fun at the Festival and at the same we do something good for the community by supporting students."

JBD Design Group is back as the main designer this year, and so is Canadian Tire as the main Festival sponsor.

"Canadian Tire has been unfaltering in its support over the past 13 years," added Manhas. "We would like to publicly thank Al Abbott, Canadian Tire associate dealer, for his on-going commitment."

Initially, Canadian Tire’s involvement with the Festival started with free trees and event cleanup by staff members. Abbott said the total donation from Canadian Tire since the Festival started (including lights and decorations) now exceeds $100,000.

"The Festival of Trees is a good fit for us," said Abbott. "It’s a great event for Malaspina and for the entire community, and one that we will continue to support."

The Festival of Trees attracts more than 3,000 visitors annually to Malaspina’s Nanaimo campus. Manhas and other Festival volunteers are currently recruiting event sponsors for this year’s event. Interested businesses or individuals are invited to call 740-6258.

Tags: In the Community

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