Encampment FAQs

Answers to frequently asked questions about the encampment at Vancouver Island University.


VIU became aware of the encampment on May 1 at 6 am. The encampment is in the quad next to the library, in the heart of VIU’s Nanaimo campus. VIU's encampment is currently one of the last remaining encampments in Canada.

The Palestine Solidary Encampment is a protest by the Students for Palestine Committee and includes VIU students, including those involved with the Students for Palestine Committee, employees as well as others who are not members of the VIU community.

In a statement released by President Saucier on May 31, Vancouver Island University joins the global call for a ceasefire and an end to the violence in the Middle East.

  • VIU has been measured in our response to the Students for Palestine Committee and the Palestine Solidary Encampment.
  • We made every effort to discuss their requests.
  • As we reported to you July 3, unfortunately the PSC rejected VIU’s latest settlement offer.
  • Following that they began escalating their disruption of our campus, including occupying a number of spaces such as Building 255, where they disrupted an exam in progress and damaged flags in the International Centre. They also vandalized the entry to the Human Resources office.
  • On July 11, VIU delivered a Trespass Notice to the PSE/SPC requesting that they vacate and dismantle their encampment by 8 am on July 15.  
  • As we reported to you July 15, the protesters ignored the Trespass Notice and refused to leave. As a result, VIU filed a Notice of Civil Claim with BC’s Supreme Court, commencing court action against the protesters. We are currently seeking injunctive relief. All court-filed injunction materials can be viewed at Injunction materials.

VIU’s Student Union has requested that VIU provide clarification on what individuals, who are not specifically named in the court documents, could be affected by this court action. 

VIU’s primary objective in this action is to end the encampment on its Nanaimo campus. VIU has repeatedly notified encampment participants that erecting and maintaining structures and/or staying in the encampment overnight is a violation of the Trespass ActAs VIU did not know the names of all the encampment’s leaders, organizers and residents, the University had to name “anonymous defendants” (Jane and John Doe) in the action. Because of this, VIU had to send legal notices out to all VIU studentsThese materials were also shared on social media, sent by email and posted physically at the encampment site. Providing notification in this broad way gives assurance to the Courts that anyone who may wish to respond to VIU’s legal action to prohibit trespassing has properly been provided notice of it and has an opportunity to seek counsel if they wish to formally respond to VIU’s court filings. 

To be clear, VIU only intends to pursue legal action against those who have actively participated in the misconduct described in VIU’s Notice of Civil Claim, or who have built, maintained, or resided in the encampment after VIU delivered its trespass notices. 

Individuals who met with encampment participants or who expressed support for the encampment would not be included in this legal action. That said, VIU notes that the injunction (court order) it is seeking will apply to any persons who choose to reside in or maintain the encampment, overnight or otherwise, once the order is granted. 

As outlined in VIU’s filed documents, which can be founhere, the relief VIU is seeking from the BC Supreme Court is for an Order allowing VIU to enforce the Trespass Act and require the encampment participants dismantle and remove their encampment. This legal action by VIU is not intended to limit or prohibit the right to protest on campus in safe, peaceful and lawful manner.

Community members who have questions or concerns about this legal proceeding are encouraged to review the court filings all of which are linked above. If they have additional questions, they can send them to studentaffairsadmin@viu.ca. 

  • As of July 22, 2024, almost all of the protest encampments have left. Protesters have now left all BC encampments.
  • On July 22, following a similar trespass notice delivered to encampment participants by UVic, protesters left the encampment.

In response to the demands VIU first received from Palestine Solidarity Encampment after the encampment began in early May, VIU and VIU Foundation reached out to its investment management firms to request a review of all investments. VIU and VIU Foundation were advised by our fund managers that none of the holdings in our combined investments have direct association nor direct ties to the conflict. VIU subsequently disclosed investments to representatives of the PSE and the wider community.

VIU and VIU Foundation investments follow the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment.

View VIU’s investment disclosure document.

We will continue to provide updates by email and the VIU News website.

On August 18, 2024, VIU, with the assistance of a qualified security firm, dismantled the encampment on the Nanaimo campus quad, in compliance with the Supreme Court of BC's injunction order issued on August 15, 2024. Fencing has been installed around the site as work to restore the quad ahead of the fall semester is underway. 
Please be assured that dismantlement efforts were carried out with the utmost care. All personal belongings from the encampment were documented and will be securely stored for participants to retrieve. 

To claim your item(s), please email security@viu.ca and provide a description or photos of your items. VIU will respond within 48 hours to confirm if your item was catalogued and provide instructions on when and where to pick it up. VIU will hold items for 30 days as per the university’s lost and found practice.


The safety of our students, employees and community is our top priority. Operations are continuing on campus, and we are working to minimize disruptions and keep our campus community safe. Most of VIU’s buildings are on the normal summer access schedule. The library hours have been adjusted to align with staffing availability. Library access is as follows:


  • 9 am to 4 pm – Open access
  • 4 pm to 12 am – VIU ID card access only
  • 12 am to 9 am – Closed


  • 9 am to 12 am –VIU ID card access only

We are closely monitoring the situation on our Nanaimo campus. The RCMP visits the campus as part of their regular responsibilities.

  • The physical safety and mental well-being of our students and employees is our highest priority. 
  • VIU Security is available for assistance 24/7 at 250.740.6512.
  • Any health and safety incidents involving employees, students, contractors and visitors that occur on our campuses should be reported using the online VIU Health and Safety Incident Reporting System. If you feel you have experienced harassment or discrimination, please contact the Diversity, Equity and Human Rights Office.
  • First Aid services are available to students, employees and visitors 24-7 through Campus Security by calling 250.740.6512.

VIU actively supports peaceful protest and the right to freedom of expression on our campus. We honour our role as a place where students and faculty can push for social justice and change. Protests and demonstrations must adhere to VIU policies and procedures and the Student Code of Conduct and employee code of conduct as well as the law. These activities must also take place in an environment free from discrimination, harassment and hate speech of any kind.

We know events like these impact community members in different ways. We are encouraging everyone to continue demonstrating kindness and compassion for one another and urging those who feel impacted to reach out for support. There are a number of resources available for students and employees. See the “Supports for our community” category below.

VIU actively supports peaceful demonstrations on our campus and the right to freedom of expression. These activities must also take place in an environment free from discrimination, harassment and hate speech of any kind. 

Vancouver Island University’s primary responsibility is ensuring the safety of everyone on campus. Having an unauthorized encampment on site poses safety risks that wouldn’t be present if the encampment was not there. Because of this, VIU has engaged additional security to help ensure the safety of all community members – both inside and outside of the encampment. Security is there to observe and report any unlawful behaviour from any member of the campus community. Part of our due diligence is regular patrols of campus to maintain campus safety and order. VIU remains dedicated to fostering a safe, inclusive and supportive campus where all voices can be heard in a manner that respects the rights and safety of our entire community.

Building access

Yes, the library on campus remains open. Hours are as follows:


  • 9 am to 4 pm – Open access
  • 4 pm to 12 am – VIU ID card access only
  • 12 am to 9 am – Closed


  • 9 am to 12 am – VIU ID card access only

Don’t have a VIU ID card yet?

Supports for our community

Listed here are supports for our community: