In the Community

VIU students reach lofty heights in mathematics challenge

May 4, 2011

The numbers tell an impressive story when it comes to the most important undergraduate mathematics competition in North America. 4296 =The number of students from 546 institutions in Canada and the US who entered the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition. 0 = The score that almost half the entrants received for their efforts in the six-hour exam. 2 = The number of Vancouver Island... Read more

Gala dinner supports student refugees at VIU

April 20, 2011

In East Africa, harambee is a rallying cry that translates as “all pull together.” At Vancouver Island University, it has also come to mean the annual gala dinner held to fundraise for refugee students. In the first two years of the Student Refugee Program at VIU, the World University Service of Canada (WUSC) Local Committee has sponsored one student from Somalia and another from Sudan. The... Read more

VIU faculty member recognized for nursing excellence

April 19, 2011

VANCOUVER, April 14, 2011: The College of Registered Nurses of B.C. (CRNBC) presented a Nursing Excellence Award to a VIU faculty member at a ceremony on April 7, 2011 at the Vancouver Convention Centre. Marilyn Chapman, RN received the Award of Excellence in Nursing Education. Read about this outstanding registered nurse here: Thirty-three awards were presented this year. Through the CRNBC... Read more

Portal Magazine launches Thursday: Advance copies available starting Tuesday

April 18, 2011

The 2011 Portal team is proud to present the official launch of this year's edition of Portal on Thursday, April 21, 7-9 p.m. in the Royal Arbutus Room at Vancouver Island University. The annual literary magazine features new literary and visual work from VIU students and this year it has a new layout and design that enhances and complements the works inside. In addition, Portal 2011 costs $2... Read more

Never too late to earn a degree

March 8, 2011

Selinde Krayenhoff considers earning a university degree one of her top achievements. This year, she fulfilled a life-long dream by attaining a Bachelor of Arts degree with distinction in Liberal Studies from Vancouver Island University at age 54. As a mature student, Krayenhoff’s accomplishment felt even sweeter when she was elected class valedictorian by her peers. “Be the change you wish to... Read more

Instructor brings innovative model of learning to local campus

March 7, 2011

The Powell River Campus of Vancouver Island University is pleased to launch an innovative delivery of School and Community Support Worker Program (SCSW). Instructor Alison Taplay has redesigned the delivery of this program to make it more accessible to students who work or might not live in Powell River. The SCSW program prepares students to work with people who have disabilities or as... Read more

Coast Capital Savings sponsors VIU VIP Business Breakfast series

March 4, 2011

Community partnerships are once again among the key ingredients for Vancouver Island University’s VIP Business Breakfasts. “I’m very proud to welcome Coast Capital Savings as the title sponsor of our VIU VIP Business Breakfast Series,” says Bruce Williams, Business Breakfast chair and Manager—Community Relations/ Senior Weather Host for /A\ News Vancouver Island. Coast Capital is sponsoring the... Read more

Ancient and Modern: Ireland in Context with Dr. Timothy Brownlow

March 3, 2011

By Susan Lymbery A few weeks ago, I received a package in the post bearing no return address, but simply “Michael Warren” and an Irish stamp of a common red squirrel. Inside, I found a Hillsboro Fine Art catalogue of Warren’s forty-year retrospective, Kireji. In traditional haiku poetry, a kireji supports the verse structure and acts as a caesura, a pause or a cutting word. Michael Warren penned... Read more

Haiku contest highlights global connections at VIU

March 3, 2011

Lily Banerjee is enrolled in post-graduate business studies at Vancouver Island University but she also shines as a poet. Banerjee, an MBA student from India, took top honours in a haiku contest held in conjunction with International Development week at VIU. Banerjee won the overall prize as well as top spot among entrants whose first language is not English for this entry: After the tsunami A... Read more

Great-West Life and London Life donate $50,000 toward VIU Aboriginal centre

March 3, 2011

Corporate contributions are playing a key role in the creation of Shq’apthut: A Gathering Place, the new Aboriginal Centre on Vancouver Island University’s Nanaimo campus. The latest donation towards the $3.6-million, 5,000-square-foot structure comes from Great-West Life and London Life, through its national corporate citizenship program. Company representative Graham Calder presented a $50,000... Read more