Community leaders to receive honorary credentials at convocation

June 2, 2008 - 3:24am

Biographies of Honorary Credential Recipients

Honorary Doctorate of Technology: Dr. Harald Rosenthal, Ph.D.

Dr. Rosenthal has made extensive achievements in the fields of fisheries science and aquaculture. As an internationally renowned scientist from the University of Kiel in Germany, his work has helped raise Malaspina University-College’s profile as a leading institution in sturgeon studies, and his support of Malaspina’s International Centre for Sturgeon Studies (ICSS) has helped move this important facility forward.

Dr. Rosenthal’s affiliation with Malaspina and the Nanaimo region began in the early 1970s when he did a post-doctorate at the Pacific Biological Station and was introduced to Malaspina faculty. Since establishing a relationship with Malaspina, Dr. Rosenthal has been instrumental in arranging a German-Canada Science & Technology student exchange agreement between Malaspina and the University of Kiel. More recently, Dr. Rosenthal has been a supporter and advocate of the ICSS and has helped secure infrastructure funding for this facility.

Now retired, Dr. Rosenthal travels extensively and visits Malaspina regularly as a guest lecturer on sturgeon conservation, while continuing to support the ICSS. As President of the World Sturgeon Conservation Society, he has included Malaspina as an important member of the Society and has proposed that Malaspina serve as a centre of excellence in sturgeon research worldwide.


Honorary Doctorate of Laws: John Horn, Q.C.


Since beginning his legal career in 1957, John Horn has actively pursued justice. He began his career in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) during a time when the country sought independence from Great Britain. Aided by Amnesty International, Horn ran as an opposition candidate against the government of the day.

Mr. Horn immigrated to Canada in 1965 with his family and subsequently settled in Nanaimo, where he continued his legal career.  In addition to being named Queen’s Counsel, Mr. Horn has co-written the definitive text on civil litigation and created the judicial position, Master of the Supreme Court.  Masters have improved the delivery of court services and judicial arbitration throughout the province. In 1989, Mr. Horn himself was appointed Master of the Supreme Court.

Mr. Horn has contributed to the community in many ways. He has volunteered as a Law Society bencher for the County of Nanaimo and drew up the Malaspina Students’ Union Constitution at no charge. Furthermore, Mr. Horn is a committed legal educator; he has developed and delivered many legal education courses on Civil Procedure and Trial Advocacy.

John Horn is also an advocate of the arts in Nanaimo. He was actively involved in promoting the building of the Port Theatre and has served as Director and Chair of the Nanaimo Symphony Society. He has sung in the Malaspina Choir (for which he also served as an executive member) and acted in many Nanaimo Theatre Group productions. He is a passionate community activist and legal scholar who has contributed to Malaspina, the community, and province.


Honorary Doctorate of Letters: Gordon Reid

Gordon Reid’s extensive contributions to Aboriginal education are evident in his leadership at both regional and provincial levels. Mr. Reid has held many positions in the field of Aboriginal education; he was the first Aboriginal teacher and principal in the province, Vice-Principal of Hazelton Secondary School, Director of Aboriginal Education in the Cowichan School District, Superintendent of Education in Hazelton, and elected Band Chief of the Qualicum First Nation.

In the 1960s, Mr. Reid was instrumental in the formation of the Native Indian Teachers’ Association. As Malaspina University-College developed the Arts One First Nations program, he shared his vision and plans for improving access for all Aboriginal students interested in pursuing post-secondary education. He was the first Chair of the First Nations Advisory Committee and also served on the Malaspina Board of Governors for a number of years.

Gordon Reid continues his commitment to Aboriginal education and is currently working with a kindergarten class in the Courtenay School District. He also works as a Resident Elder at the First Nations House of Healing at Tsa Kwa Luten Lodge on Quadra Island, and Tsow-Tun Le Lum Treatment centre in Lantzville. He is a respected Elder who has shared his knowledge with students at Malaspina and many other educational institutions across the province, fostering cultural learning and wealth.


Outstanding Service Award: Robert D. Lane

Robert (Bob) Lane began his career at Malaspina in the old hospital on Kennedy Street where he established himself as a committed teacher. Throughout his career as an English, Creative Writing, Arts, and Philosophy instructor, he has devoted many hours both in and outside the classroom.

Robert Lane is a great contributor and builder of cultural life at Malaspina and in Nanaimo. In addition to his regular teaching duties, he has been an active participant in the recruitment and advising of high school students, and also participated in theatre productions, poetry readings, and art shows. Robert Lane founded the Vancouver Island Literary Society and brought emerging poets to Malaspina. He was also the founder and managing editor of Island, a literary magazine. When Malaspina moved to Fifth Street, Mr. Lane was the Special Events Coordinator and was responsible for all the arts activity on campus.

Robert Lane has contributed significantly to programming at Malaspina. He designed, supported, and coordinated new interdisciplinary courses while pursuing his interest in philosophy at the University of California-Santa Barbara and Simon Fraser University. Subsequently, Mr. Lane founded the Philosophy Department at Malaspina. In addition to supporting his students, he supported his colleagues by holding many administrative positions, including Area Chair (today’s equivalent of Dean).

Now retired, Robert Lane continues to be engaged with Malaspina and the community as a writer and scholar, delivering public lectures and papers, as well as writing reviews and chapbooks. He is one of the founding instructors of Malaspina who placed, above all, the education of students as Malaspina University-College’s first priority.

Tags: In the Community

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