Community Classroom

Herring and the health of the Salish Sea

Man speaks at podium with text on a screen that reads: What does a just relationship with herring look like?

VIU's Engaged Citizens Speaker Series featuring Bryce Casavant from Pacific Wild

What does a "just" relationship with herring look like? 

The latest edition of the Engaged Citizens Speaker Series looked at the future of the Salish Sea and importance of protecting Pacific herring, which many believe are on the verge of collapse. The annual spawning event was recently featured in the new Netflix documentary Island of the Sea Wolves and was called “absolutely life-sustaining for the Island” even though it lasts for just a few days.

Featured speaker Bryce Casavant, Director of Conservation Intelligence with Pacific Wild, focused his talk on the importance of herring to BC coastal communities, as well as gaps and opportunities for repair and reform of current management practices.

About our speaker

Bryce Casavant is a veteran and former BC Conservation Officer who grew up on Vancouver Island. He previously worked with Pacific Wild as the Senior Policy Analyst and has now re-joined the team as the Director of Conservation Intelligence. Casavant has more than 20 years of experience working with NGOs and environmental legal teams. He holds a Doctorate in Social Sciences and periodically lectures in legal aspects of environmental management.  

This edition of the Engaged Citizens Speaker Series was presented by TD Insurance and the VIU Alumni Association. It was part of VIU’s annual celebration of Global Citizens Week.


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