Climate Change: facts, fiction and conversations - public presentation October 6

October 1, 2009 - 2:38am

What can you do about climate change?

Join students and faculty from Vancouver Island University on October 6 for a free public presentation and panel discussion on the science and implications of climate change and learn what you can do about the greatest environmental challenge facing humanity.

The presentation, entitled Climate Change:  Facts, Fiction and Conversations, takes place at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre from 7 to 9 pm. The lecture and panel discussion is part of VIU’s Power to Changeweek which begins October 5.

“During the presentation, we’ll respond to the myths about climate change, discuss what individuals can do at home and work, and what others are doing to change the face of the world,” said Carol Bob, VIU graduate and member of the Awareness of Climate Change through Education and Research project (ACCER).

“The 45-minute presentation – which we’ve presented to over 1,000 students in the central Island area - will provide information on the causes and consequences of climate change, impacts of greenhouse gases and global warming, and solutions including energy conservation and innovations in alternative energy technologies.”

A panel discussion follows with VIU experts including Dr. Erik Krogh (Chemistry), Dr. Jeff Lewis (Geography), Dr. Steven Earle (Geology) and Eric Smiley (Engineering and Physics).

“Our goal is to promote a deeper understanding of the issues in an effort to support informed public debate and decision-making,” said Bob.

The public is invited to other activities during VIU’s Power to Change week including an Energy Conservation and Sustainability Industry Trade Show on October 8 from 10 am to 2 pm in the Upper Cafeteria at the Nanaimo campus, featuring keynote speakers on energy conservation and sustainability, the inaugural Conservation Recognition Awards, and displays by energy management, conservation, and alternative energy systems industries.

Homeowners and businesses are also encouraged to participate in a “Power Down Nanaimo Hour” on Friday, October 9, between 12 and 1 pm.

“We’re asking everyone to turn off electrical appliances, lights, etc. to save power,” said VIU Energy Manager Daryl Amos. “We hope BC Hydro will be able to monitor the change in energy consumption for the City of Nanaimo, comparing the consumption on Thursday with the consumption on Friday for the same period.”

VIU’s Power to Change event is part of a comprehensive energy management program launched in partnership with BC Hydro last spring. 

Tags: In the Community

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