BC and China forge post-secondary partnerships

November 21, 2011 - 2:02am

Note: The BC government issued the following news release in Nov. 2011. Vancouver Island University is included in the list of post-secondary institutions that signed partnerships or agreements with China.

BEIJING, CHINA - More than 20 partnerships or agreements have been signed between B.C. and Chinese post-secondary institutions and organizations over this past week, as both look to increase learning opportunities for post-secondary students on both sides of the Pacific. It is estimated more than 2,500 students will come to B.C. communities over five years as a result of these agreements.

"B.C. post-secondary institutions are working hard to build and expand important partnerships in China, knowing that international students bring social and cultural benefits to our communities," said Premier Christy Clark. "With each post-secondary international student spending about $30,000 a year on living and schooling expenses, they also help create jobs and generate other substantial economic benefits for our communities."

Twelve B.C. institutions, including Royal Roads University, Capilano University, Thompson Rivers University, Vancouver Island University, BC Institute of Technology, University of BC, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, the University of Northern BC, Douglas College, Trinity Western University, North Island College and the University of Victoria took part in ceremonies in either Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing or Chongqing.

"International cooperation between B.C. and China means shared experiences, successes and relationships that will continue for a lifetime," said Advanced Education Minister Naomi Yamamoto. "International students' contributions help to create services and programming as well as cultural experiences for our domestic students."

This mission is an opportunity to strengthen B.C.'s relationships in Asia and discover new ways to work together through the development of educational initiatives. It is also an opportunity for government to form the new trade and business relationships that will ensure the success of the BC Jobs Plan.

Approximately 39,000 international students from more than 160 countries attended a B.C. post-secondary institution last year, with an estimated 12,500 students being from China. About 58 per cent of international students in B.C. study in private institutions.

B.C.'s recently announced jobs plan, Canada Starts Here sets a goal of increasing the number of international students by 50 per cent over four years. International students in B.C. currently generate 22,000 jobs and bring an estimated $1.25 billion into the provincial economy. Each 10 per cent increase translates into an estimated 1,800 new jobs for families across the province.

As part of the BC Jobs Plan, Premier Christy Clark is leading the largest trade mission in the province's history to promote B.C. as a safe harbour for investment. The Jobs and Trade Mission is focused on strengthening existing relationships between B.C. and Asian markets, opening doors for new relationships and setting the stage for future opportunities in China and India. Delegates from more than 130 companies, post-secondary institutions and organizations are accompanying the Premier as part of the effort to defend and create jobs here at home. Health Minister Mike de Jong will also accompany the Premier during her time in India.

Japan and Hong Kong are also on the jobs and trade mission itinerary. Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Steve Thomson will travel to Japan and Jobs, Tourism and Innovation Minister Pat Bell, ends his part of the mission in Hong Kong.

Media Contact

Rebecca Scott

Deputy Press Secretary

Office of the Premier


Marc Black

Communications Director

Ministry of Advanced Education

250 952-6508


B.C. and China forge post-secondary partnerships

The Premier of British Columbia, along with representatives from 17 B.C. post-secondary institutions, is undertaking a trip to China and India to establish formal agreements for international education initiatives and opportunities that will benefit post-secondary institutions and students.

While in China, the group is travelling to the cities of Guangzhou, Beijing, Chongqing and Shanghai to meet with dignitaries, business leaders and representatives of China's post-secondary institutions.

The delegation's mission is to formalize the negotiations begun by B.C.'s post-secondary institutions with the signing of agreements with various institutions and government partners. These agreements will formalize collaborative relationships to support numerous international education initiatives including program development, student and faculty exchange, and research partnerships.


Royal Roads University & Jinan University (Guangdong)

The agreement will see the creation of a joint institute to deliver customized emergency and disaster management programs for this rapidly growing market. B.C. is seen as a global leader in this area, and our effective response to crisis or disaster on a global scale is recognized around the world. About 150 students will take part in the offshore program over five years, with some students expected to transfer into Royal Roads programs in Canada. Jinan is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in China, and this will be the only program of its kind in the country.

Capilano University & Huizhou University (Guangdong)

Continuation of a successful university leadership development executive program where Capilano hosted 22 university leaders and administrators from Huizhou. Additionally, Capilano students will continue to visit Huizhou University each May as part of Capilano's annual China field school.

Thompson Rivers University & Chengdu Polytechnic (Sichuan Province)

TRU and Chengdu Polytechnic (CDP) will develop an agreement in an architecture and engineering technology program. Students will do one year at CDP, followed by two years at TRU in the architectural & engineering technology diploma program. After a fourth (optional) year at TRU, students will graduate with a bachelor of technology management.

Vancouver Island University & South China Normal University (Guangdong)

The agreement will outline collaborations between VIU and South China Normal University (SCNU), including a program for SCNU students to spend a year at VIU, student and faculty exchanges, visiting scholars and research collaboration.

BC Institute of Technology & Tianjin Sino-German Vocational Institute of Technology

This MOU will establish a pathway for international students to study in the automobile service program at BCIT. This will boost the number of job-ready graduates entering the work force in China and in British Columbia. The agreement will create opportunities for BCIT students to undertake internship opportunities in Tianjin providing valuable global perspectives as part of their international educational experience.

BC Institute of Technology & Dongguan University of Technology

The MOU will establish an institutional partnership in a number of areas with the two working together to undertake applied research projects in the field of microgrid and energy research, while new pathways will also be created to assist Dongguan University of Technology's engineering students with hands-on training at BCIT. This will promote the exchange of ideas and enhance the educational quality of programs at both. This agreement will contribute to the economies of China and BC by educating and supplying job-ready graduates in the mechanical and electrical engineering fields, while promoting the exchange of effective research and instructional techniques.

University of BC and Guangdong Women and Children's Health Centre

UBC researchers will help to manage and design a large cohort study spearheaded by the Guangzhou Women and Children's Health Center. The data collected from the cohort study will help to establish the relationship between genetics and the environment in predicting health outcomes. The data will be used to set health priorities in the region regarding pregnancy and early childhood care.

Kwantlen Polytechnic University & Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

This agreement is an undertaking by both Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) and Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) to start delivering KPUs new bachelor of business administration in marketing management program in Guangzhou starting in the 2012/13 academic year. It's a four year program in which students study at GDUFS for two years and transfer to KPU to complete their studies. The agreement is an expansion of an already successful joint initiative between the two universities that has seen 51 students come to KPU to complete bachelor of business administration degrees in human resource management and accounting.


University of Northern BC & Wenzhou University

The agreement will allow UNBC and Wenzhou University to implement a partnership program resulting in a master's degree in environmental science. Approximately eight Chinese students per year will participate in the graduate program at UNBC and receive a UNBC credential. This will result in new research collaborations for UNBC faculty with Chinese faculty in the area of environmental science. Graduate education in environmental science is of critical importance for both B.C. and China in addressing the environmental and ecological problems facing our communities today and in the future. This will be the first joint international degree program offered at UNBC.

Royal Roads University & Shanghai Institute of Technology

Agreement will create a Joint Institute of Applied Leadership and Management Science between Royal Roads University and the Shanghai Institute of Technology. The two institutions will work collaboratively with industry, government, and non-government organizations to develop specific training in leadership, management, executive coaching, as well as health care and educational leadership. An estimated 200 students are expected to take part in the off-shore program over five years, with some students expected to transfer into Royal Roads programs in Canada. The unique project is the first of its kind in Shanghai co-founded by a B.C. university.

Capilano University & Yunnan College of Business Management

Yunnan College of Business Management students will receive articulated transfer credit and direct entry into Capilano University's School of Business to complete an international business diploma leading to a bachelor's degree in business administration at Capilano's North Vancouver campus.

Thompson Rivers University & Sino-Canada High School

This agreement will create a pathway program for Sino-Canada high school graduates to continue their studies at TRU.

Douglas College & Shanghai Administrative Institute

Since 1997, Douglas College has provided public administration training for over 200 senior civil servants from the Shanghai Municipality and other government agencies. Both parties agree to continue their relationship to pursue further collaborative opportunities for faculty and students, and continue training opportunities for officials of the Shanghai Municipal Government. The agreement will result in approximately one training program per year at Douglas.

Douglas College & Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade

Douglas College has had a joint program agreement with Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade (SIFT) since 1998. There are approximately 550 students currently enrolled in the joint bachelor of administration in finance program, and about 1,250 graduates. Twenty five professors from Douglas have taught at SIFT and 31 SIFT professors have visited Douglas College for professional training. This highly regarded joint program was rated number one by the Shanghai Education Commission and has received an outstanding program award from the Canadian Bureau for International Education.


Royal Roads University & Tianjin University of Technology

A new master of arts in environment and management joint program will be offered, building on B.C.'s role as a recognized leader with regard to environmental sustainability. The agreement will increase the number of exchange of students and joint academic research between both universities, starting with 60 students in one full time stream in February. Over five years, an estimated 640 students will take part in the program. The agreement builds on a previous agreement signed in July 2010, with the New Binhai District (Eco-City) and enhances Royal Road's relationship with Eco-Canada.

Royal Roads University & China Association of Small and Medium Enterprise (CASME)

The agreement will increase business linkages and create strategic partnerships between businesses in B.C. and their counterparts in China. The partnership will include delivering Royal Roads University's strategic management for global leaders program with CASME. Starting this month (Nov. 2011), 20 Chinese entrepreneurs will come to Royal Roads University each month for customized business education designed to help them understand the global business environment and also introduce them to B.C. businesses. An estimated 1200 students will take part in the program over five years.

Trinity Western University & Tianjin Education Association for International Exchange

The TEAIE agreement is called the 'Visiting Teachers Program' and it involves bringing top Tianjin Education Commission K-12 teachers to TWU for 3 months where they improve their English language through auditing five university classes, participating in tours of local elementary and high schools, and receive lectures on pedagogy and administration in the Canadian education context. The teachers also travel throughout B.C., touring places like Banff and the Rocky Mountains, Whistler, Victoria, and Vancouver/Richmond. Although the relationship has been in place for 10 years, the new MOU expands the current arrangement to increase the program's capacity from approximately 12-15 teachers per year to 24-30 teachers per year.

Trinity Western University & Hebei University

The MOU with Hebei University (the key Provincial University in Hebei Province) is broad in scope. The MOU specifies cultural, faculty, student exchange, and travel abroad opportunities for both institutions, but also sets the stage for the development of joint programs in the future.

Douglas College & Beijing Union University

This agreement builds on the Forum on Cities and Cultural Heritage held at Douglas College in August 2011 with researchers from Beijing Union University and Douglas College. It creates opportunities for Chinese students to do semester studies at Douglas College, as well as faculty exchange and joint research opportunities, particularly in the area of urban heritage and sustainability.

North Island College & Foundation College of China Scholarship Council

The agreement addresses the design and execution of a joint program at undergraduate or postgraduate levels. The purpose is to promote and expand international understanding, development and friendship as well as stimulate and support educational, professional and intercultural activities and projects among students and staff of North Island College (NIC) and Foundation College of China Scholarship Council (FCCSC), and the respective communities and organizations which support these institutions. General areas of mutual interest may include but are not limited to; co-ordinating credential recognition transfer opportunities for FCCSC program students who meet NIC's entry requirements, establishing joint programs with FCCSC sponsored Chinese university and college partners for offshore degree, diploma or certificate completion with NIC, and developing FCCSC and NIC pre-masters program credential that may be delivered in China or Canada.

The University of Victoria & Chinese Academy of Science

The MOU will formalize the relationship between the University of Victoria and the Chinese Academy of Science, furthering an initiative started by UVic's Institute for Integrated Energy Systems and Peking University in 2009. In 2010, the first annual Canada-China Clean Energy Workshop was held at Peking University, Beijing. In 2011 and the second annual Canada-China Clean Energy Workshop took place at the University of Victoria and 25 researchers from China and 30 researchers from Canada attended. Six multi-institutional research programs have resulted from these past meetings. The 2012 meeting will be hosted by the Chinese Academy of Science in the spring, and UVic is organizing a delegation of top Canadian researchers in clean energy to attend.


UBC and Chongqing Medical University

The objective is to allow UBC researchers access to clinical data on Alzheimer's that may result in new therapies to treat this disease.


The following institutions signed agreements while participating in the mission to China:

B.C. Institute of Technology:

The British Columbia Institute of Technology has campuses in Burnaby, North Vancouver, Richmond and Vancouver. There are 2,355 international students from 86 countries enrolled at BCIT. The number of international students studying at BCIT has doubled in 4 years contributing to the prosperity of the B.C. economy and enriching the cultural fabric of the province.

To learn more: http://www.bcit.ca/international/

Capilano University:

Capilano University serves the communities of the Lower Mainland, Howe Sound, and the Sunshine Coast through campuses in North Vancouver, Squamish and Sechelt. Currently, more than 700 international students from 52 countries are studying at Capilano, with an estimated economic impact of $31.9 million.

To learn more: http://www.capilanou.ca/international/

Douglas College:

Douglas College has campuses in New Westminster and Coquitlam. Over 1,000 international students are enrolled at Douglas for the fall 2011 semester - a 17 per cent increase over last year. International education generates $24.5 million for the community each year.

To learn more: http://www.douglas.bc.ca/services/international-education.html

Kwantlen Polytechnic University:

Kwantlen Polytechnic University serves students in Langley, Richmond, Surrey and Cloverdale. The international student population has increased from 557 students in fall 2008 to 1053 students in fall 2011, a 96 per cent increase in three years. In fall 2011 international students represent over 7.5 per cent of the overall student headcount. The largest student populations are from China, Hong Kong Taiwan and India.

To learn more: http://www.kwantlen.ca/international.html

North Island College:

North Island College serves the northern two-thirds of Vancouver Island and the mainland coast from Desolation Sound to Swindle Island. The college has campuses in Courtenay, Campbell River, Port Hardy and Port Alberni. Currently, 10 per cent of the College's international student population is from China and the college anticipates that will increase to between 20 and 30 per cent, providing an additional dimension to the economic and social impact of international education in Central and Northern Vancouver Island.

To learn more: http://international.nic.bc.ca/

Royal Roads University:

Based outside Victoria, Royal Roads currently has approximately 125 international students on campus and estimates expanding to 300 on campus international students by 2013 and 600 within five to six years. Royal Roads has approximately 1,000 off-campus students studying in its offshore MBA program, primarily in China.

To learn more: http://international.royalroads.ca/

Thompson Rivers University:

TRU has its main campus in Kamloops and several satellite campuses and centres around the central interior. For the fall 2011 semester TRU has 1,572 international students on campus, representing 85 countries from all over the world, an increase of 8 per cent over last year. International students studying at TRU bring approximately $88 million to the Kamloops economy every year.

To learn more: http://www.truworld.ca/truworld.html

Trinity Western University:

Trinity Western University, in Langley, is a Christian liberal arts, sciences, and professional studies university. Currently, TWU has 428 international students, which is approximately 15 per cent of its total student population. The university is pursuing agreements and taking other initiatives to increase the numbers of students coming to TWU from other countries.

To learn more: http://twu.ca/life/community/international/

University of British Columbia:

UBC has state-of-the-art facilities on campuses in Point Grey and downtown Vancouver, as well as UBC Okanagan in Kelowna. UBC attracts exceptional students and researchers from China, India, and beyond. In 2010, over 7,500 undergraduate and graduate students from 145 countries were studying at UBC.

To learn more: http://research.ubc.ca/vpri

University of Northern British Columbia:

The University of Northern British Columbia has campuses in Prince George, Quesnel, Terrace and Fort St. John. UNBC maintains formal exchange linkages with over 35 universities and two national organizations in 19 countries around the world, resulting in approximately 100 international exchange opportunities. Since 2001, UNBC has witnessed substantial growth in its international student population, comprising approximately 8 per cent of the current UNBC student population. In addition, those studying in the English language studies program add an additional 150 international students to the annual head count for continuing studies.

To learn more: http://www.unbc.ca/international/

University of Victoria:

Located in the provincial capital, on Vancouver Island, the University of Victoria currently has an enrolment of 1,686 international students. The estimated economic impact of these students is $64 million.

To learn more: http://oia.uvic.ca

Vancouver Island University:

Vancouver Island University has campuses in Nanaimo, Duncan, Powell River and Parksville. There are approximately 1680 international students attending VIU, up from 1100 in 2006.

To learn more: http://www.viu.ca/international/

Tags: In the Community

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