Alternative film series fills cultural gap

September 21, 2012 - 2:40am

Movie buffs looking for something different than mainstream films are invited to sign up for the Alternative Film Series Friday evenings at Vancouver Island University Oct. 5 to Dec. 7.

“We’ll show thought-provoking international and independent feature films every Friday night for 10 weeks,” said Ron Bonham, a retired Vancouver Island University English professor who runs the Alternative Film Series with Shirley Goldberg. “Many are award-winning films by world-famous directors.”

The opening film is an Iranian film called A Separation, winner of an Oscar for best foreign film last year. The second and third films in the series, Monsieur Lazhar and Detachment, focus on education and the ‘system’ as an index of what is going on in society, said Bonham.

Goldberg and Bonham will introduce the films and lead a short question and answer session after each screening.

“We both have a keen interest in film and taught film studies at VIU for many years,” said Bonham. “Our goal is to offer something to Nanaimo audiences, something the mainstream theatres aren’t doing. We’re filling a cultural gap in Nanaimo and get huge gratitude from our audience.”

The Alternative Film Series has been running in Nanaimo for 38 years, and participants have witnessed great films and lively discussion, and major advances in technology.

“When we started the series, we used 16 mm film,” said Bonham. “Later, we didn’t have the money to purchase a 35 mm projector so we screened VHS tapes on a large screen. Now we use DVDs.”

The Alternative Film Series takes place at VIU’s Nanaimo campus in Building 355, Lecture Room 203 Friday evenings at 7 pm. The cost is $45 for all 10 films plus GST.

Anyone who signs up for the series but is unable to attend one of the films may share their ticket with a friend.

“It’s nice evening out,” added Bonham. “Many of our audience members go out to a local restaurant after the screenings to continue the discussion.”

Other films in the series include Captain Abu Raed, Footnote, Once Upon a Time in Anatolia, Le Havre, Melancholia, The Turin Horse and We Have a Pope.

To register for the series, call 1-866-734-6252.

Tags: In the Community

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