Aboriginal traditions help students find success at VIU

September 23, 2011 - 7:00am

NANAIMO – Shq’apthut, a new Aboriginal gathering place opening today at Vancouver Island University (VIU), will help Aboriginal students feel comfortable and supported in their post-secondary education, assisting them to succeed in school and giving them the opportunity for good jobs to support their families.

Shq’apthut, meaning “a gathering place” in Hul'q'umi'num', is located on the university’s Nanaimo campus. It will provide a special welcoming place for VIU’s Aboriginal students and all others who attend VIU, as well as the university’s community partners.

The building was designed to resemble a traditional Coast Salish longhouse, but with modern sustainable strategies, including rainwater collection and a green roof. The green-roof design reduces storm water runoff and reduces energy demands for cooling and heating the building. Rainwater is collected from the roof and is part of a filtration system used to flush toilets and irrigate landscaping.

[View News Release...](http://www.viu.ca/mainly/releases/2011AVED0034-001194.pdf)

Tags: In the Community

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