From left to right: Kelly Muir, Residence Life Assistant Manager; Kathleen Reed, PSA Steering Committee and VIU Faculty Association member; Phoebe Lo Patigdas, VIUSU Chairperson; Michael Olson, PSA Steering Committee Member and VIUSU Executive Director; Miranda Wallace, VIU Queer-Straight Alliance President; and Denise Hook, PSA Steering Committee Member and Disability Services Educational Advisor are excited about the new rainbow staircase at VIU.
August 30, 2016 - 10:00am
University’s Positive Space Alliance, VIU Students’ Union and Administration collaborate on staircase painting initiative
Vivid splashes of purple, blue, green, yellow, orange and red painted on the covered staircase leading up to the cafeteria at Vancouver Island University’s (VIU’s) Nanaimo campus now serve as a very visible reminder of the University’s commitment to supporting an inclusive community.
The rainbow staircase, an initiative of VIU’s Positive Space Alliance (PSA) with financial support from VIU Students’ Union (VIUSU), VIU Residences and the University, greets students, staff and campus visitors in a central area next to one of the busiest buildings on campus. The recently painted staircase serves as a permanent declaration that the University is committed to challenging homophobia, transphobia, misogyny and other forms of discrimination in its community.
The initiative was inspired by the installation of rainbow crosswalks in communities across BC, and was propelled forward after the City of Nanaimo painted two crosswalks on Commercial Street in rainbow colours in honour of the city’s inaugural Pride Parade this past June. Instead of simply copying the City’s lead, however, the PSA wanted to put a uniquely VIU spin on their initiative.
“Painting rainbow crosswalks has become a common way for communities to demonstrate support for the 2SLGBTQ+ community,” says Michael Olson, a member of the PSA Steering Committee and Executive Director of the VIUSU. “We wanted to do something similar on campus, but we wanted it to be uniquely VIU. There’s nothing more uniquely VIU than our stairs or maybe our rabbits – we thought the rainbow staircase would be most appropriate!”
A sign will be installed next to the staircase to provide an educational component to the initiative. It explains what the rainbow represents, and what the PSA is doing on campus to support an inclusive community.
“The rainbow staircase symbolizes our commitment to support and celebrate diversity and equality on campus,” says VIU President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Ralph Nilson. “Making the campus a place where we all feel comfortable to work, study and live is important to VIU. We are grateful to the Positive Space Alliance for the work they’ve done to make our community a more welcoming place for all.”
Olson says the rainbow staircase is only the latest initiative aimed at embracing diversity on campus. “At VIU, it’s a demonstration of the extensive work being done on campus to promote inclusivity,” he says. “I am proud to be a part of an institution that is a leader in these progressive changes.”
The PSA, which formed more than a decade ago, trains dozens of people every year in creating safe spaces defined by equality and freedom from discrimination and hate. The group also educates about the supports that are available both on- and off-campus for 2SLGBTQ+ members of the VIU community. Those who go through the PSA’s training program can display a sticker indicating their commitment to speaking out against the marginalization of individuals through homophobia, heterosexism and gender identity oppression.
The PSA also works with the University’s Queer-Straight Alliance to run monthly Queer Movie Nights and other activities. In 2014, thanks to the group’s efforts, VIU converted 22 washrooms on the Nanaimo campus to non-gendered washrooms. The group has also encouraged the University to change its application form to be more inclusive – now students have an additional gender option that isn’t simply male or female. Additionally, the application provides an option to list a preferred name, which is the name that will be given to instructors on their class lists. No documentation is required if a student decides to change gender on the forms.
Finally, after several years of fundraising, the PSA is close to creating a Positive Space Endowment Fund – a sustainable and ongoing award for students who display leadership in raising awareness of diversity in sexual orientation and gender identity. To donate, visit the VIU Foundation website and type Positive Space into the “Please Direct My Gift To” box.
For more information about the Positive Space Alliance and what the rainbow signifies, visit viu.ca/positivespace.
Tags: Announcements