May 10, 2023 - 9:45pm
From wildfires, to spring snowpacks and a new end-of-life doula course, we have several VIU professors ready to share their knowledge and expertise on timely issues in this week's editon of VIU News & Experts. Please reach out to us with requests for experts.
Featured experts
Supporting people through end of life
VIU is launching one of Canada's first end-of-life doula courses. Social Work Professor Dr. Carmen Lavoie has been guiding people through end-of-life experiences for several years. She explains what an end-of-life doula is and why this role is important on VIU's Community Classroom website.
Wildfire experts
Wildfire season is heating up already in BC's interior and in Alberta. Dr. Erik Krogh, Co-Director of the Applied Environmental Research Lab, can speak to connections to climate change and impacts on air quality. Dr. Chris Cole, a Professor in VIU's Forest Resources Technology program, can discuss forest management practices to help mitigate fire risk and what the program is doing with students in this area.
What is our Island water situation?
With a weekend of high temperatures ahead, what does this mean for BC's snowpacks, flooding and summer drought? Dr. Bill Floyd is a Research Hydrologist with the BC Ministry of Lands and Natural Resource Operations, a VIU Geography Adjunct Professor and Director of VIU's Coastal Hydrology Research Lab. He recently took CBC meteorologist Johanna Wagstaffe to Strathcona Provincial Park to measure the density of the snowpack there.
Gardening season is upon us!
Denise Winter is the Horticulture Coordinator for VIU's Milner Gardens & Woodland, a public garden in Qualicum Beach. Looking for someone to talk about spring garden prep? Another area Denise studies is how climate change is changing when we do what in the garden/what we plant.
VIU in the news
Raising awareness about climate change through beer
VIU’s Deep Bay Marine Field Station and Love Shack Libations are brewing up awareness about climate change research with a gose-style beer called “There Gose the Ocean.” The beer launched during Victoria Beer Week’s Lift Off event. Each beer bottle label has a website link leading people to learn more about research conducted at Deep Bay. Read more.
Restoring a threatened ecosystem
Dr. Caroline Josefsson, a VIU Biology Professor, students and community volunteers are restoring a Garry oak ecosystem at the Nanaimo campus. The Garry oak ecosystem is one of Canada's most threatened ecosystems and home to many species at risk in British Columbia. Learn more.
VIU Indigenous mentorship program goes to Belize
A new Indigenous peer mentorship initiative at the University of Belize is taking its inspiration from VIU's Community Cousins program. Staff connected with the VIU program travelled to Belize recently to share knowledge. Learn more.
Op/Ed: Building more inclusive universities
A university education allows learners and their communities realize their full potential. Access to post-secondary education opens doors to a better future for all. Last week, the Vancouver Sun shared VIU President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Deborah Saucier’s thoughts on how universities can become more inclusive.
Campus events
Moose Hide Campaign Day
The Moose Hide Campaign is a grassroots movement aimed at ending violence against women and children. VIU will be sending a delegation to participate in the day of reconciliation and experiential learning in Victoria on May 11. Learn more.
Tags: Community Engagement | Announcements