June 20, 2014 - 10:30am
Vancouver Island University (VIU) is awarding credentials to approximately 300 graduates in the Faculty of Trades and Applied Technology this month, with 175 of the graduates honoured at a convocation ceremony at Nanaimo’s Port Theatre Friday, June 20.
“We’re very proud of our graduates, each and every one of whom has shown they have the aptitude, attitude, determination and hands-on skills to complete a challenging program that has prepared them well for a promising career,” says Guy Ellis, Dean of Trades and Applied Technology.
Graduates in VIU’s Trades and Applied Technology programs graduate to fill positions requiring skilled workers in BC and beyond, Ellis adds, and become part of a long tradition at VIU.
One graduate attending convocation June 20 will receive a special honour. Miriam Popma, who has completed the Professional Baking and Pastry Arts program, will be awarded the University’s Lieutenant Governor’s Silver Medal for her outstanding work in the program.
The Lieutenant Governor’s Silver Medal is awarded annually to a graduating student at VIU in a certificate program, who combines excellence in studies, with a positive contribution to the life of the university and/or community.
Graduates receiving credentials ranging from certificates and diplomas to completion of apprenticeship levels have completed the following programs: Aboriginal Construction, Applied Business Technology, Automotive Service Technician, Culinary Arts, Electrician, Hairdressing, Heavy Duty/Commercial Transport Mechanic, Horticultural Technician, Motorcycle and Marine Technician, Professional Baking and Pastry Arts, Professional Cook, and Welding.
VIU’s history in Trades training goes back to the institution’s roots 78 years ago. After the Great Depression, 38 young people arrived in February 1936 to begin the Automotive Mechanics program at the newly named Dominion-Provincial Youth Training Centre in Nanaimo, which is now Vancouver Island University.
Media Contact:
Shari Bishop Bowes, Communications Officer, Vancouver Island University
P:250.740.6443 C: 250.618.1535 E: Communications@viu.ca T: @viunews
Tags: Our Alumni