Tobacco and Cannabis Consultations Complete

December 20, 2018 - 5:00am

The VIU-wide tobacco and cannabis consultations, which were undertaken this Fall in light of the legalization of cannabis use, are now complete.

Here is a brief reminder of what the two-month consultation process entailed:

  • An online survey sent to all students and employees whose email addresses were current.
  • While the survey was running, two pop-up events were hosted by Master of Community Planning students to increase awareness of the survey and gather feedback.
  • A series of World Cafés (four in Nanaimo and an engagement event in Cowichan) were held after the survey was closed to gain greater insight into themes shared through the survey.


Common considerations and/or feedback heard during the World Cafés and engagement event were as follows:

  • A formalized education campaign should be undertaken regarding VIU’s policy on this matter.
  • The policy itself – as it is now - is vague.
  • Communication regarding any new policy is key.
  • Thought should be given to removing the smoking area near the daycare.
  • The suggestion that there should be different policies. For example: one policy could address the smoking/vaping/inhaling of any substances; another could address edible and topical cannabis products and still another look at cannabis use in residences.

Next Steps

Thank you to all who participated in this institution-wide process. The results are now being analyzed by the Steering Committee who will identify if any changes to the current policy will be brought forward to the VIU Board of Governors for consideration.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact

Tags: Teaching and Learning

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