May 31, 2006 - 5:00pm
These days, rapid technology changes require most businesses to hire proficient and highly skilled secretaries or administrative office assistants to handle front office affairs.
“Secretaries and administrative office assistants need specialized training,” said Doug McLean, an instructor in Malaspina University-College’s Applied Business Technology program. “In today's world, secretaries or administrative office assistants are highly respected, and need skills in human relations as well as computer technology.”
Through Malaspina’s 10-month Applied Business Technology program, students learn what it takes to work in a busy office administration setting, including human relations, business English and Math, office procedures, transcriptions, word processing, and spread sheets.
“This program is ideal for students straight out of high school, or people who have been out of the work force and need retraining,” said McLean . “It’s ideal for people looking for a ca reer change.”
Level I (five months) will be offered at the Cowichan ca mpus in September 2006. Graduates ca n enrol in Level 2 at the Nanaimo ca mpus in February 2007, where they specialize in the areas of accounting, legal office assistant or administrative assistant.
“Graduates gain marketable skills and an Applied Business Technology Certifi ca te, which ca n have them ready for the workforce in just 10 months,” added McLean . “Financially, you ca n’t get a better deal. Tuition fees for Malaspina’s Applied Business Technology program are much lower than for similar programs at private institutions.”
McLean said program graduates are employed in government and many public sector businesses. Starting wages range from about $12 per hour in the private sector to $16 or more in the public sector. To apply for the September 2006 intake in Cowichan, ca ll Student Services at (250) 746-3509.
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