February 22, 2019 - 2:00pm
WHAT: Discovery Days 2019
WHO: High school students, Grades 10-12, from across the Island and further
WHEN: Tuesday, February 26 and Wednesday, February 27, 2019
WHERE: Vancouver Island University’s Nanaimo Campus, various locations
While Vancouver Island University (VIU) students hit the books during reading break, hundreds of high school students from across the Island, Sunshine Coast and as far away as the Northwest Territories will be taking their places during Discovery Days on February 26 and 27, 2019.
Discovery Days showcases the programs and supports offered at VIU for potential future students. Each day begins with a pep rally in the VIU Gym hosted by Student Ambassadors Dayna and Elijah. Students then head to open houses hosted by various programs on campus. Students will participate in hands-on activities like making chocolate-dipped strawberries, a jam session in the Music building, showing off their entrepreneurial knowledge during Business Jeopardy and completing a chemistry scavenger hunt.
They will also get a free pizza lunch, participate in games, compete for prizes and go home with some free swag. Visit Discovery Days for more details. A full schedule of events and session descriptions are available here.
Jenn McGarrigle, Communications Officer, Vancouver Island University
P: 250.740.6559 | C: 250.619.6860 | E: jenn.mcgarrigle@viu.ca
Tags: community | Teaching and Learning