Expert speaker Dr. Shahana Alibhai offers advice for caregivers
Watch the recording of the 2025 Engaged Citizens Speaker Series featuring Dr. Alibhai:
A family physician, best-selling author of Feel Better and TEDx speaker, Alibhai has dedicated her clinical work to helping those struggling with their mental health and redefining our approach to mental health. As the medical director of one of the largest youth health centers in our province, seeing more than 500 new patients a month, she has taken the lessons learned from our adolescents and translated them into the pearls that us as adults need to learn – both to support ourselves and our children. Merging neuroscience and what she sees every day in helping real patients, she has come up with a set of tangible steps everyone can use to move through their emotions rather than being crushed by them. CKNW radio host Jas Johal moderated an audience Q&A following her talk.

“We all are looking for an ‘edge’ – more time, more money and more resources,” said Alibhai. “The truth of the matter is that our greatest ability to navigate mental health issues lies within us. Building our emotional capacity so we are strong yet flexible, clear but also compassionate and focused but also fluid.”
Vancouver Island University’s Engaged Citizens Speaker Series, which takes place annually in the Malaspina Theatre, tackles timely, relevant and thought-provoking topics that matter to our community. This edition of the series is in partnership with Nanaimo Ladysmith Public Schools and is sponsored by TD Insurance and VIU Alumni.
Learn more about the Engaged Citizens Speaker Series.