Slava Govorov, owner of the South Nanaimo Panago and a local development company.
August 23, 2018 - 4:45pm
Slava Govorov (Business Administration Diploma ’14) has made good use of his VIU education. As owner of the Fourth Street Panago location (he’s opening a second location in Ladysmith soon) and a local development company, Slava is grateful for the community he lives and does business in. He gives back every chance he gets – for example, he’s a generous supporter of both the VIU Mariners and student awards. For his efforts, and in recognition of his growing reputation as business leader, he was recognized as one of the Island’s Top 20 Under 40 this year. Slava was happy to tell us what he loves about Nanaimo, and what’s next for him.
What made you pick VIU?
I grew up in Nanaimo, so it was close by. Also, my father is a professor here, and the institution had recently become a university.
What are you doing now?
After graduating from VIU, I went to the University of BC to complete a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics. During this time, I acquired a condo in downtown Vancouver and started my first rental business. I also worked at Panago both in Vancouver and Nanaimo as a delivery driver and a cook. Once the South Nanaimo location went on the market, I was able to convince my father to help me with the purchase, although the majority of the funds came through loans from several banks and friends. During my second year of ownership, I purchased a two-acre parcel of land in South Nanaimo and subdivided it into 10 lots.
How has your VIU education helped you achieve your career goals?
VIU’s business program taught me the basics of running a business, from accounting to marketing. Although I learned a lot from hands-on experience, my time at VIU definitely laid the foundations.
You were one of the Island’s Top 20 Under 40 winners this year. The awards recognize individuals for their achievements in business as well as community service. What does this community mean to you?
I love the Nanaimo area and the Island overall. After spending most of my high school and university years here, I have come to appreciate this city, and as someone who owns and does business in this city, I love giving back to the community that supports me in many different ways. From fundraising with minor hockey teams to sponsoring the Nanaimo Child Development Centre through events like the Silly Boat Regatta, I’m proud to say that we at South Nanaimo Panago are able to donate and give back many tens of thousands of dollars each year to various charities, sports teams and non-profits in the city.
How are you staying connected with your VIU family?
My father, Dr. Michael Govorov, is still a professor in the Master of Geographic Information Systems Applications program. On top of this, through work I have almost daily interactions with VIU faculty, Mariners administrators, Fun@VIU employees, and many more members of the VIU community!
What’s next for you?
Next is the opening of the Ladysmith Panago, which should be taking place quite shortly. I’m looking forward to future growth all over the Island, being part of many new communities and meeting great people!
Tags: Business | Our Alumni